Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Fashion Police Exist In Parkville

In Parkville, Mo., the fashion police might actually exist, at least for a day.                                            

On Saturday, April 2, Watercolors High Fashion boutique is teaming up with the Parkville Police Department to raise money for the department’s Shop With a Cop Program.         
The Shop With a Cop Program is put on by the Parkville Police Department in December and is geared toward making Christmas brighter for needy children in Parkville.
The program started last December and sponsored 10 families. Parkville Police Chief Kevin Chrisman spoke about how the program works.
“Around Christmas time we try to identify disadvantaged families in the area that would not have a Christmas,” Chrisman said. “We afford them an opportunity to come to a local retailer where they are paired up with an officer in uniform.”
The program gives children a chance to shop for Christmas toys for themselves and spend time with a member of the Parkville Police Department.
“They get to spend anywhere from 150 to 200 dollars on anything they wish,” Chrisman said. “We encourage them to get toys and things for themselves.”
To raise money for this year’s program, Watercolors High Fashion and Worth Harley Davidson are sponsoring a fashion show.
The theme of the show is “Leather and Lace” and will showcase clothing from Watercolors High Fashion. Local residents from the Kansas City area will be modeling in the show.
A silent auction also will be held, and all the proceeds will go directly to the Parkville Police Department for the Shop With a Cop Program.
The event will be held at Finnigans Hall in North Kansas City, and the show begins at 8:30 p.m. The event is open to the public and donations are encouraged.
Chrisman says this event should be fun.
Chrisman said, “I attended one six months ago, and they are really upbeat. They have good music, and they’re a lot of fun.”
Members from the Parkville Police Department will be in attendance to answer questions about the program.
“We’ll probably have a table where we’ll be available,” Chrisman said.
Chrisman says this event is also a chance to show the community a different side of law enforcement.
“It’s a way for us to give back to the community and show that police officers do a lot more than just arrest people and take them to jail,” Chrisman said. “We are part of the community, and we care about the community.”
The Parkville Police Department is accepting donations and looking for sponsors to expand the program.
“I would like people to get involved with the Shop With a Cop Program,” Chrisman said. “It’s a very good feeling to help those in need, and to see the laughter and smiles on children’s faces is priceless.”

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